You would be able to find a list of area codes by using a phone book, the internet to find which area has which code or you could visit the library for this information.
It depends on what country. There are lists of STD Codes (telephone area codes) for different countries on a variety of websites. See the related links below for a few examples.
Yes, different countries usually have different country codes, and each country code can have its own system of area codes.
There are about 300 area codes in the United States, plus 30 in Canada and 20 in other countries and territories in or near the Caribbean. is the most comprehensive resource for this.
There are various countries that might have 077 as an area code for domestic calls, or that have area codes beginning with 077. You need to be more specific.
Your question is not clear. "STD codes" (Subscriber Trunk Dialling) is another term for telephone area codes in some countries, including the UK, Ireland, India, Pakistan, South Africa, and other formerly British countries around the world. There are tables of area codes for each country. See the related links below for examples.
The Nile River flows through several countries, each with its own telephone country code, and flows through several different area codes within those countries.
Area codes in the United States and Canada were originally assigned in 1947 by the Bell System. New area codes are assigned by the North American Numbering Plan Administration, in consultation with state and provincial regulators. Area codes in the United Kingdom were originally assigned by the post office, which was responsible for developing the telephone system. New area codes are assigned by Ofcom.
See the links below for three that are accurate and up-to-date as of late 2010. Beware that other many online lists are a decade or more out of date.
Only two countries use ZIP Codes: the United States and the Philippines. Many other countries have postal codes that use other names (postcodes, PIN Codes, etc.). Some countries do not use postal codes at all.
If you look at maps, you will not find area codes. Area codes can be found on area code locator websites. Another place to find area codes is in the telephone directory.
It depends on what restrictions you place on the three-digit numbers that are usable as telephone area codes. There are 1,000 three-digit numbers, if you include every combination from 000 through 999. In North America, though, 3-digit area codes have significant restrictions. The first digit cannot be 0 or 1 and the second digit cannot be 9. Area codes of the form N11 are not allowed due to conflicts with short codes for things like emergency services (911) and TDD relay (711). Other area codes with the second and third digits the same (such as 800, 888, 844, and 900) are reserved as "easily remembered" codes. That brings the total down to 648 regular area codes plus 64 special "easily remembered" codes.