son numero et le 0621711109 faut quand meme pas abuser aller kiss
Le numéro de téléphone de Johnny Depp means: "Johnny Depp's phone number" in English.
Dame tu numero de telefono means give me your telephone number
This translates as: "what is your telephone number?" in French.
This translates as: "what is your telephone number?" in French.
my telephone number is
cual es tu numero de telefono = what is your phone number cual es el numero de telefono = what is the phone number
This means "My telephone number is..."
slt drake (hello drake my name ist Bryan i ist fan you) je sui ton plus grand fan.
Tenga = do have tiene(s)/tiene usted = do you have un numero = a number un numero de telefono = telephone number
How can I block a number on the telephone
Numero de meid de digitos