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Q: LWhat is the name of rock hoppers boat on club penguin?
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Where is rock hoppers beard on club penguin?

it is on his chin

What is rock hoppers ship call on club penguin?

Captain Rockhoppers ship on Club Penguin is called TheMigrator.

Club penguin where is about is the key in the libairy?

in rock hoppers journal

Where is the notice board on Club Penguin?

Its in rock hoppers ship

How do you out the boat together on Club Penguin?

What do you mean, "How do you out the boat together on club penguin?"

On club penguin what the name of captin rock hoppers' ships name?

The name of Rockhopper's ship on club penguin is Migrator.

What is rock hoppers user name on Club Penguin?

Name:rockhopper1000 pass:***********

What is club penguin's most popular place?

rock hoppers ship

What is the name of Captain raock hoppers ship in club penguin?

The Migrator

What is the name of rock hoppers ship on club penguin?

como puedo a entrar a club puffle

What is capitan rocket hoppers username on club penguin?

You mean "What is captain Rockhopper's username on club penguin?". The username of Captain Rockhopper is Rockhopper.

What is the rabbit's name on Club Penguin?

Answers: Hoppers Mogul Aunt Artic