Kelebihannya :
Pesannya lebih cepat dibaca,,
Waktu kita kirim pesan, kemungkinan pesan itu langsung dibaca oleh si penerima, Kalau gak langsung mungkin sekitar beberapa menit kemudian dibacanya (karena lg ada kesibukan),,
Kebanyakan orang selalu dekat dengan handphone, jarang berjauhan,,,
Kekurangannya :
Kalo ada yg nanya2 lewat SMS agak susah ngasih jawaban detailnya,, lebih mudah ngobrol kalo mau ngasih jawaban detail,, lebih Ok,,,,
Bedava SMS is a free SMS according to the Turkish translation.
sms provided
onayla sms . com
It is an application that use internet to connect to a sms gateway for sending and receiving sms.
The SMS stands for "Send Me a Sign"
SMS Stands For: Short Message Service...
SMS 2307
sms tones are for text messages.
Sms had very silent
local sms means
The main feature of a cute SMS is the aesthetics. One typically is interested in what an SMS looks like and the ability to share the cute SMS with their friends.