The service Uploaded provides is perfectly legal, however users themselves are responsible of the content they up/download. Though they are frequently taken down, there can be downloads containing viruses if they are provided by someone you do not trust. Generally speaking, if you plan to use it to download content uploaded by a respected website/uploader then yes you should be 99% safe.
I don't think that steroids are safe or legal for any one to use.
no its not safe at all......i downloaded a few stuff and then there was a virus so its not safe nor legal
went ever it is legal and safe
nope. it's safe and legal.
Yes. They're just ugly.
bearshare is a media sharing program. like all media sharing programs, bearshare has viruses. so in the sense of being safe from viruses, the answer is no. if your question is about weather or not it is legal, as long as you do not use it to download illegal content, it is a legal program to use.
Use your high-beam headlights at night whenever it is legal and safe.
There are mixed reviews on the keepvid software. It seems there are more positive than negative feedback and they do ensure that their software and system is safe to use.
Use your high-beam headlights at night whenever it is legal and safe.
A Panama is something you use when you're having safe sex.
Unlimited download center is legal and safe but not 100% good
Sure, everybody deserves the right to have a child, as long as it is safe and legal