Torry Holt's birth name is Torry Jabar Holt.
Torry Holt is 6'.
Torry Holt was born on June 5, 1976.
Torry Holt was born on June 5, 1976.
Torry Holt goes by Big Game.
Torrance 'Torry' Holt is 41 years old (birthdate: June 5, 1976).
the rams , jaguar.
Torry Holt played in the Super Bowl twice. 1999, Super Bowl XXXIV 2001, Super Bowl XXXVI
Torry Holt
North Carolina State
Torrance 'Torry' Holt was a very successful football player. During his career he was in the NFL for eleven seasons and retired with the 10th most receiving yards in history.
Glenn Holt was born on 1984-07-31.