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Not without calling hundreds or thousands of insurance companies to ask if that policy number is theirs. If you have any information about the other driver, your best bet is to call them to find out who their insurance company is.

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Q: Is there a way to get the name and phone number of an insurance Co when all the information you are given in an accident is just the policy number?
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Your question does not have sufficient information to give an answer. What type of "Accident Insurance" policy are you talking about?

What is accident policy?

An accident policy is an insurance policy that will pay all or a portion of medical expenses incurred in the course of an accident.

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It could be an insurance policy taken out with an insurance company in case of an accident.

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How do you check an auto insurance company name by policy number?

If you take it to your insurance company they should be able to locate the policy number be reading the letters. My son was involved in an accident with someone who did not speak English. The police gathered the man's information and my son assumed that the name of his insurance company would be on the police report. It was not and our insurance company (Liberty Mutual) said they could not determine the name of the other driver's insurance company by the policy #. Does anyone know what company issues auto insurance with the prefix APV in the policy number? i believe APV is travelers

What happens when you have insurance at the time of an accident and then it gets cancelled does the insurance still cover the accident?

Yes it does. The cancellation of an insurance policy is not retroactive.

Would insurance cover the accident if you were in an accident but were not on the insurance policy but you had your own vehicle and insurance on it?

If the car that was involved, in an acident was insured yea!

What is an accident based insurance policy?

The term "accident insurance" applies to life and health insurance policy's that will only pay claims that result from an accident. Example: A person who owns an accident-only disability policy falls ill from cancer. The policy will not pay any claims as a result of the cancer. If the same person fell down a flight of stairs, the policy would pay.

Do I need to report an accident to my insurance if I had the accident in my husbands car and his policy covered it?


How do you get auto insurance for accident prone drivers?

You get auto insurance for accident prone drivers the same way as normal drivers. You will need to provide relevant car details and your driving history information and then receive insurance policy quotes. Insurance premiums for accident prone drivers are generally much higher.

Car insurance can coverage medical payment on motorcycle accident?

If you put medical insurance on the policy when the policy was purchased.

In the event of an automobile accident may your auto insurance coverage be denied if it is revealed that you have incorrect personal information within your current policy ie address ie violations?

Yes, insurance companies will use any reason to get out of paying for an accident. If they find incorrect information on your policy, they will cancel it and refuse to pay for any accidents.