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There are many options where you can find more information, about finding a local telephone number. One of the popular ways is through the yellow pages were you can find the person name and the telephone number as well as the address.

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Q: Is there a way to get information on who owns local telephone numbers?
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020 is London. 020-3 numbers can be anywhere in London. The operator who "owns" this number is Frontier Systems. Note that the area code for London is just 020, not 0203 or 0207 or 0208.

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I assume you mean an unpublished telephone number. Why should you? Perhaps the owner of the unpublished number wants to keep it private. Why would you need to figure out the owner? Anyway, you might call and ask. As part of a criminal investigation, you might get a court order (the telephone company would probably have the information about the owner, but does not include it in the telephone directory, per request of the owner.

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