

Is texting awesome

Updated: 12/14/2022
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Lvl 1
14y ago

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uh. . . . YESSSSSSS!!! lolz texting is so awesome. you dont have to accually talk. you just move your thumbs like your playing a game! that's what makes it soooo fun lol

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Its a phone that obviously makes calls. you can check your email on it. and texting is really easy. there's a full keyboard on it. it is just awesome!

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It's an awesome app you use to text. It will most likely put to shame whatever your current mode of texting is.

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It is only free with UNLIMITED texting. With unlimited texting, you can text ANY phone for FREE. It's awesome! Be careful with it, your parents can take it away. Then they tell you a week later and.... sorry.

Is texting on a phone good?

Yeah! I think it's AWESOME!!! It's a fun easy way to talk to your friends, and all you need is a cell phone.

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The samsung seek from sprint is so awesome i just got it and i loove it!!! it has a keyboard and touchscreen

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yes definetly. the graphics and texting are awesome. Like all the wall paper move. The ring tones rock. and battery life is the best

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Texting is not harmful.

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' Picture texting ' means texting pictures of photos you took with your phone .

What should I do if I started texting someone I know I shouldn't be texting?

Yes of course just stop texting. If you know you shouldn't be doing this then stop.

Is texting from live messenger free?

yes, however if the person you are texting does not have texting on their phone plan they will be charged.

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