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If you are talking about western cultures (Namely America, Japan, Great Britain, Austrailia, New Zealand, and Europe) then the answer is definitely yes. If we were to loose power then we would lose use of almost all our modern technologies. The EMP bomb is a great example of how dependant we all are on technologies. An EMP would completelly knock out all electronic equipment it reaches. Just think of this one train of thought: You sit down to eat a hot dog. The Hot dog and buns and ketchup all come from separate farms/factories/bakeries and most likely made use of tractor trailers or trains to get transported to the local food distribution point or local store. These stores use large freezers and fridges that keep it all cool. The only way these fringes work right is because of the machine parts that were made is Arizona, California, or Texas and then shipped to that place when it was built. The reason the bread buns keep as long as they do is because of some technology advance by a professor in a lab at some college where they figured out what ingredient can be added to the dough to keep it good. And there is also the meat processing machines that made the hot dog. The meat, of course, comes from some animal farm someplace that uses technologies to keep the animals fed and alive and then the metal parts used in the meat processing plant were probably made in either a plant in Pennsylvania or in Germany. And lets not forget all the oil and gassed involved in transporting all of these parts and pieces and food items which was refined at some refinery that probably also uses computers and machines to get the oil to change to gasoline as it needs to. Do you get the picture? We really do rely on technology for almost everything. And I didn't even mention the paperwork that was generated on computers and then printed and faxed or mailed to the different companies so they would know how many hot dogs the store wanted or how many buns should have been delivered that day. Oh, and don't forget about the Heinz ketchup factories - no hot dog is complete without Heinz!

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Q: Is technology the life-blood of modern society?
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