Yes. because more kids run the internet then older people and older people usually don't no words like that but kids arnt aloud to say that word.
people in the past used the phone for nothing now days teens text lol lmao
"Lmao" is an acronym for "laugh(ing) my ass off."
There is really no way to know who used it first. The acronym "lmfao" is derived from "lmao". The acronym "lmao" would have evolved with other acronyms such as "lol" and "rofl" to express humor over the internet.
lol means "laughing out loud" AFK means " Away From Keyboard" and Lmao aka Lmbo, is "laughing my a** off" lmbo is "laughing my butt off" and AKA is "also known as.
The acronym LMAO is 'Laughing My Ass Off', but sometimes people will substitute it with LMBO for 'Laughing My Butt Off', making it sound less offensive. It's abbreviation in a text message
Hehe. Lol. Ask one out, or just go kiss them. Work it out yourself maybe douche.
brb g2g lmao lmfao lol omfg pig <-(pretty intellagent girl :P) brb g2g lmao lmfao lol omfg pig <-(pretty intellagent girl :P)
Y'all this is a joke
Because she was ill give dat girl a break lol lmao
A sheep that say's, "bahhhhhh, eh oh" Lol, lmao, rofl,dasal,ssal, Get it, cos if you dont you should read it more carefully
Wassup? Mha Boobd Are Up Lol Lmao Bdfu!