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No. The universe contains billions of galaxies including our own, and each galaxy contains billions of stars.

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Q: Is it true Our galaxy contains many billions of universes and each universe contains many billions of stars.?
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What is the difference between universe and stars?

A galaxy contains billions of stars. A universe contains billions of galaxies.

What is the connection between galaxies and the universe?

Like our galaxy contains billions of stars, the universe contains billions of galaxies.

Where you stand in the universe?

Personally, I am a human on earth, which revolves around the sun, which is one star out of billions in our galaxy, which is part of a galaxy cluster, which is one of billions of galaxy clusters in the universe. For all we know, there could be multiple universes within the giant vacuum of space. So I am an extremely minute spec on the landscape of the universe.

Is the universe in the milkyway?

The Milky Way is a galaxy that contains our solar system. The universe is much larger and contains billions of galaxies, of which the Milky Way is just one.

Is the universe made up of hundreds of millions of galaxy's?

Not just hundreds of millions. The observable universe contains hundreds of billions of galaxies.

What is the difference between a galaxy and the uninerse?

The Universe is everything, as far as we know. A galaxy is just a collection of stars. A galaxy is huge - typically about 100,000 light-years across - but the visible Universe contains hundreds of billions of galaxies.

Is the galaxy solar system universe the largest?

The universe contains billions of galaxies and the Milky Way contains between 100 and 400 billion stellar systems (like the Solar system).

What is largest the universe or galaxy?

universe is largest. universe is made up of billions of galaxies.

Are there alien life forms in the universe?

I can garantee they do excist, there are millions of planets in a galaxy! There are quadrillions of galaxy's in a universe, there are an infinate amount of universes in a multiverse! In all of that there are definitely aliens

Is the universe contained in the galaxy?

The universe contains countless galaxies, think of the universe as a galaxy of galaxies.

Is the universe contained in a galaxy?

The universe contains countless galaxies, think of the universe as a galaxy of galaxies.

The universe is made of only your solar system?

No. Our own galaxy contains several hundred billion stars (each of which might be a solar system), the observable Universe contains hundreds of billions of galaxies, and it seems that the entire Universe is much, much bigger than the observable Universe.