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It is still possible to purchase new VHS players. Vintage and thrift stores still carry brand new VHS players. In addition, a number of merchants on eBay also sell new VHS players.

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Q: Is it still possible to purchase new VHS players?
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Do that still make VHS camcorders?

Yes, you can purchase a vhs recorder at a major electronics store.

What sites offer the cheapest VHS players?

There are a multitude of websites that sell cheap VHS players such as EBay, Craigslist, and Amazon. Several retailers also have websites that sell cheap VHS players.

Is it possible to turn your own VHS tapes into dvd's without paying that guy at the videostore?

You can purchase a DVD/VHS recorder combo that will allow you to make your own copies at home.

Does BestBuy carry portable VHS players?

It does not appear, from the Best Buy website, that they carry portable vhs players.

Can you still purchase the Deal-A-Meal package?

Yes, you can get them on Ebay and Amazon. They have the cards and the cookbooks and even the VHS videos!

Can I still buy a VHS player anywhere?

You can always find a "vintage" VHS player at a pawn shop or second-hand store, but there are always great deals at Wal-Mart or Best Buy for DVD/VHS players.

What happens if the VHS part of a VHS/DVD combo unit breaks?

If the VHS portion of a VHS/DVD unit breaks the DVD portion will still work. It should not be much of an issue depending on how often the VHS is used.

How useful is a VHS to DVD converter?

A VHS to DVD converter is useful if you do not wish to purchase previously purchased VHS tapes on DVD. The only expense you need to make is for blank DVDs.

Where can one purchase blank VHS tapes?

Considering the novelty of VHS tapes and their considerable Hipster appeal, the best place to purchase black VHS tapes is from a thrift store. However, sites such as EBay and Amazon provide secondary options for the less discerning hipster.

What is the vaue of a jaws VHS tape that is still in package?

Basicly nothing. VHS machines are a dying breed.

Where can one purchase any American Dad video on VHS?

One can not purchase the Fox Network series, "American Dad" on VHS. In order to purchase episodes of "American Dad" someone must either buy it as a digital download or as a DVD.

Will they always make VHS Movies?

* Yes, they will always make VHS Movies, because Family Video, Hastings, & Menard's sells VHS Movies still.