Websites that allow you to jailbreak could be the follwing: or you could try looking up Redsn0w or Ultrasn0w on Google. And also Snowbreeze. is very good too.
It is safe to jailbreak it on But it is suggested you back up on iTunes first.
Yes and no. According to those who did jailbreak their iPod Touch, they say it is safe to do it. Though, the hardcore facts say that is isn't safe because it voids your warranty, and could cause software corruption in your iPod and could possibly make your iPod useless. It is a risk to jailbreak your iPod Touch, but according to those who did it, if you do it correctly it is safe.
How to jailbreak my iPod touch
to jailbreak your iPod 4.1 go to
No. Your jailbreak will remain as it is. Syncing your iPod does not alter the jailbreak in any way.
Jailbreaking is fine, you can do a complete restore which will remove a jailbreak if you need to send it to apple. Don't worry. It's fine
to jailbreak your ipod 4.1 go to
No but you can jailbreak an iphone or ipod touch but they each have different sites to jailbreak your ipod/iphone
no sadly you cannot jailbreak ipod nano's you can only jailbreak ipod touch, iphone, and ipad.
NO, it's actually better to have an older ipod to jailbreak it because it takes months for hackers to make a jailbreak for new ipod firmware.
There is no requirement to jailbreak your ipod, in fact it will invalidate any warranty you have.