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Yes you can. You just can not put them in the same words.

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Q: Is it legal to grab news from Google news feeds and display them in your website?
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What does certified domain mean?

Placing the Certified Domain seal on your Website and in your whois display certifies that you are the legal owner of your domain name.

Is it legal to borrow image files from a website for your own website?

That depends on the website you're borrowing from. If it is google or msn or alta vista then yes, probably. Related links-

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What organization is responsible for Google?

Google is responsible for Google, it is a legal entity.

Is the website Legal Sounds actually legal?

Legal Sounds is a website that is based out of Russia. According to research, the website is legal. However, it is making money but the money is not going towards the artists that are on the website.

How do you know if the game in a website is legal?

You will know if the website is legal depending on the content displayed on the website. If the website lets you download games for free, that you will have to pay a lot of money for at a store, then the website is not legal. But, if the website lets you play short online games for free, then it is most likely legal. A very good legal game website is

Is Google legal?

Yes, google is a legal search engine that was created to aid the public. If it wasn't legal, google would have been gone a while ago.

Can you sell a shawl with the burberry pattern if the tag does not say its burberry?

No you can't. See the legal page of the Burberry website:

Is it legal to advertise a gambling website on your personal website?

Yes , it is 100% legal

Who has legal control of a website?

The one that registered the website. If you build a website for a company, but the company registered the website, they have legal ownership. You might want to read Terms and Conditions of website to know who has the legal ownership and control.

What are 3types of legal advertisements?

Run on semi full display

Are all Google images legal to copy?

If one is talking about Google's logo and the images on Google's website than no, they may not be copied because they are copyrighted by Google. If one is talking about images found in Google image search then also no. These images are all copyrighted by their respective owners. Even if the location where one finds an image does not specify anything about a copyright, it is assumed by law.