Gaia Online is extremely popular. There are typically anywhere from 50,000 to 110,000 or more users online at any time of the day. Its forum is one of the very largest in the world. About 100,000 transactions occur daily in Gaia's marketplace. Anwhere from 500 to thousands of users are in Gaia towns at any time. Gaia Online's size is staggering for an online community.
Another very popular one is its a very good website for gaia layouts.
Hotmail is a very popular site and yes, it is catholic
There are, in fact, plenty of dress-up, mmorpg-style games around the internet, and most of them are advertised right on gaia-online. from my knowledge, though, gaia-online seems to be the most popular and the safest (when it comes to viruses and scams) is a very popular furry site, considered to be the most popular in history.
It does have its own site and it is considered to be very popular. There are many hits on its site daily. It has many competitors and is a very innovative company.
One very popular site is picnik - see related links.
yes gaia is free. its very funn to I've had my account for almost a year :D
You cannot buy Gaia gold. It is against Gaia's Terms of Service and your account will be banned if you do. If you meant Gaia cash, you can buy it with a credit card or many other forms of payment on the site. Gaia cash cards are also available at many stores including Walmart, Target, and 7-eleven. Gaia cash can be used to buy exclusive items which sell for quite a bit of gold in the marketplace.
Gaia online administrator is not offered online. However, you may contact the site, see the 'contact_us' link far below their homepage, on the proper procedure.
Yes, it is popular, but it isn't as correct as if you were to look it up on the internet most of the time.
It has been put on the world heritage site as it is sacred to the aboriginals. Many people like it and it is very popular.
Jkfrt, at It is a very popular site about Club Penguin, I go there often.