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nope. it's safe and legal.

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Q: Is botoholic illegal to use on facebook?
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How do you use cheats for Facebook?

cheats for what? Hacking onto other peoples accounts... i believe that is illegal :) personally, you might aswell not use cheats for facebook.

Would you go to jail if you use Facebook?

If you do something illegal, then yes. If not, then no.

Is it illegal for a kid to use facebook in UK?

yes it is but if u fake your age your fine

Is Mafia Wars illegal?

if its illegal y is it on facebook?so no it is not illegal.

Is it illegal to use evidence i found in my wife's facebook that she is cheating if she gave me the password a long time ago?


Is it illegal to sell stuff on facebook?


Is Facebook illegal for children?

Slight :)

Is Facebook illegal for under 16 year olds?

No, Facebook is not illegal for users under 16 years old. However, Facebook's terms of service require users to be at least 13 years old. Users who are under 13 can use the platform with parental consent and supervision.

Is it illegal in Canada to join facebook if you are under 13?

not really but your lying which is illegal

Is it illegal to hack your daughters facebook account?

It is very illegal to hack into anything.

Is it illegal to hack your spouses facebook account?

It is very illegal to hack into anything.

Is it illegal to poke a teacher on Facebook?
