

Is advertising bad

Updated: 11/8/2022
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14y ago

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Advertisement can be good or bad depending on the way you use it.some people use advertisement to make a profit off of you just so you can buy their product and make them rich and some people use advertisement for a good purposes like scientific event's or electronic's that we may need in the future or present ;but over all it is based on your own opinion.

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Q: Is advertising bad
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Why is advertising bad?

Cauz It is peeps Signing Off

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Bad advertising examples include offensive or controversial content, misleading claims or false information, poor production quality, irrelevant messaging to the target audience, and lack of creativity or originality. Additionally, ads that are overly intrusive, annoying, or repetitive can also be considered bad advertising.

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Advertising is everywhere, because wherever there is an opportunity to make money, someone will make use of it. This is neither good nor bad. If there are places where advertising should not be allowed, the laws will change or the people will act.

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no body hears about the business, poor advertising, bad prices, bad quality, rude employees

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They might lie about the products they show in TV or radio

Is advertising a good thing?

It is a good thing because it informs people about new items and sales. It can be bad to because it can get RELLY annoying. The best part about it is that advertising pays for us to watch tv and see content without advertising we would have to pay to see content.

Is advertising good or bad?

Advertising is good in some ways because it attracts people to do what you want them to do but it sometimes costs a lot of money. LOL247 : In my opinion, I feel that advertising is not useful(bad), because it just persuades people in the world to purchase items that they do not need in the first place. I also feel that advertising is a useless way to succeed in life off of random, confused, and uneducated people. It takes over the person and which makes them want to do what the salesperson want them to do. I think advertising is not beneficial, because it's useless, con people, and waste of time.

What are 5 forms of advertising?

Internet Advertising Television Advertising Radio Advertising Print Advertising Outdoor Advertising Non-traditional Advertising. Product-Oriented Advertising Image Advertising Advocacy Advertising Public Service Advertising Direct Mail Advertising Display Advertising.

What is partial truth advertising?

When you give a small amount of truth, ie. You say good things, but not the bad things