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A faint galaxy appears as not shining, and look faint from the earth due to distance.

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Q: Is a faint galaxy a galaxy not shining brightly or clearly?
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Yes. Some faint background galaxies are masked out due to being close to a bright foreground galaxy.

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You can see the faint blur of Andromeda by looking near the back foot of Pegasus.

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You are simply seeing the Milky Way - our home galaxy. "The Milky Way" is the name of our galaxy, but it's also the name of the faint band of light sometimes visible in the night sky. That band of light is composed of millions of stars too faint to be seen individually without optical aid.

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In which galaxy can you find an ionization nebula?

I could be wrong about this, but I don't think it's possible to observe nebulae (properly so called) in any galaxy other than our own, because they're too faint and too far away.

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At high resolution, the details of the target can resolve this question. Also, the redshift (change in colour based on speed) can be used to determine distance).

How many galaxies are near us?

Of the naked eye galaxies - i.e. those visible with the naked eye. There are seven. * Milky Way - Ours * Andromeda * Large Magellanic Cloud - Southern Hemisphere * Small Magellanic Cloud - Southern Hemisphere * Omega Centauri - Cannibalised by the Milky Way * Triangulum Galaxy - Very Faint * Bode's Galaxy - Very Faint See link for more details

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It means your pregnant but your not producing enough hormones for the test to show the results clearly

What part of speech is the word shimmer?

It's an adjective. For example, John has a shiny car. The adjective is shiny because its describing what the car is.