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Yahoo is not dangerous because you only e-mail people, check out news, chat with your friends for free.

Yahoo is dangerous because you might meet strangers. Some are porn. Some are bad.

It depends on how you use it. If you use it safely, and you don't add strangers, it will be safe as always. :)

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Q: Is Yahoo dangerous
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Its nothing too dangerous, i am on yahoo they don't track you down or anything, its just something that's there which you have to do, its safe trust me :)

Is meebo dangerous?

Meebo is not Dangerous, as you dont have to download anything, meebo is a Web Messanger, so it is probably as Dangerous as Windows Live Messanger, Yahoo Messanger, and all the other messangers out there

Is yahoo answers dangerous to join?

not at all. It runs off of your email account, and because of that they try to make it secure.

How do you say do you have yahoo in Spanish?

Yo tengo Yahoo = I have Yahoo. Tienes Yahoo? = Do you have Yahoo?

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Call on Toll Free Number: 0800-098-8906 to get Technical Support Yahoo phone number, Yahoo technical support number, Yahoo phone support number, Yahoo phone support, Yahoo customer support, Yahoo helpline, Yahoo toll free number, what is Yahoo phone number, how to contact Yahoo, Yahoo support number, contact Yahoo,Yahoo help and support, Yahoo phone number support, Yahoo helpline number, Yahoo helpline toll free number, Yahoo helpline toll free support number, call Yahoo, Yahoo phone number, Yahoo phone support, Yahoo toll free number, Yahoo support phone number, call Yahoo, Yahoo technical support, Yahoo support, Yahoo phone support, Yahoo phone number, Yahoo number, Yahoo support, Free Yahoo Number, Yahoo Free Number.

Is Yahoo a computer program?

No. Yahoo! is a trademark of Yahoo! Inc. There are no programs called Yahoo!, but there are Yahoo! Inc. servers that run programs bearing the Yahoo! trademark, including Yahoo! Search, Yahoo! Mail, Yahoo! News, and so on, as well as client applications such as Yahoo! Messenger.

How do you add your site to yahoo?

To add your site to Yahoo, use Yahoo search. Search Yahoo for "add site Yahoo". adding a website to Yahoo requires registration.

What is a meaning of a Yahoo ID?

Yahoo ID is a Yahoo user name that you create on Yahoo's website.

Who is the author of Yahoo Answers?

Yahoo! wrote Yahoo! Answers.

Do you have to have Yahoo email to get a Yahoo answers account?

You need a yahoo ID for yahoo answers and in order to get an ID you will automatically get a yahoo email; so by default then you need yahoo email.

Do you have to have a Yahoo account to join Yahoo awnsers?

Yes, you need to have a yahoo account to join yahoo answers.

Do you need to have an Yahoo account to get Yahoo messenger?

Yes, you need a Yahoo account to use Yahoo Messenger.