The Wikianswers website is constantly being updated. There is a consistent amount of questions being asked, questions being answered. And as a result users statistics are constantly being updated along with supervisors carrying out their tasks and as a result actions will cause the website to update.
As well as other sites updating themselves as Wikianswers changes content, such as with search engines.
As of January 29, 2009, the latest update for WikiAnswers was done on the Jan. 12, 2009. The WikiAnswers website is updated regularly with new features and bug fixes.
A Wiki is updated at will by any member.
I would wait a minimum of 4 hours for the text of a Wikipedia article to update, but it will never update on WikiAnswers without help... it will only update automatically on the ReferenceAnswers side of Answers, not the WikiAnswers side. So, two things if you see incorrect information from Wikipedia on the WikiAnswers side... first of all, we don't allow cutting and pasting on WikiAnswers, so that content should be taken down. Second, if we have incorrect information on this side... this side is a wiki, and you can edit it directly.
Yes. They are updated on a regular basis.
write a letter to the hacker then check for updates here for response to it :)
Answers dot com and WikiAnswers get updates every day. Posted answers are always changing. Always look at the bottom of webpages for update date. On WikiAnswers check the Question History.
Unfortunately, the Wikipedia articles that are on (on the ReferenceAnswers side, not the WikiAnswers side) are exact copies of the Wikipedia articles, and they update almost as fast. It wouldn't do any good to edit it only on the ReferenceAnswers side, because any edit would only be copied over when we got the next update from Wikipedia.
I could not speak for others, but with my changing position on WikiAnswers I do, and I always announce these updates in positions. I always keep in mind though that the purpose for WikiAnswers is to ask and answer questions, not just to have an amazing profile (it's okay if you do both).
As far as I'm aware there is NO requirement to have a face-book account to use WikiAnswers. I have been using this site for a few years - and have NEVER had a face-book account - EVER ! Because of the new update to WikiAnswers, the technical team has now required members to use a Facebook account to log in WikiAnswers (Answers).
My last update was actually just a few seconds ago when I was answering another question about Wikianswers. I am the current premier answerer of April and love answering questions! Updates can consist of anything from asking questions, to editing your profile.
The international versions of WikiAnswers update their platform after the English site does. There may be a lag time of 2 - 3 weeks for the Spanish, French, German, Italian and Tagalog versions to get the latest features of the English site.
About 20-25 seconds ago on a normal day. If you get on at a really unusual time when most of North America is asleep, it might be a little bit longer.