Yes, magicJack offers telephone numbers in the 262-822 prefix in Racine, Wisconsin.
You may also be able to transfer an existing Racine telephone number to your magicJack service; consult their website for details.
Racine, Wisconsin, is in area code 262. The rest of the question is unclear.
If someone calls your MagicJack phone number, it will be a long-distance call if the area code and prefix is outside of the caller's local calling area. For example, if you get a MagicJack number in area code 816 (Kansas City, MO), and someone calls you on that number from Denver, it will be a long-distance call, even if you and your MagicJack are physically located in Denver. Of course, if your friend has a calling plan with unlimited U.S. long distance, it's not a problem.
Move to a different city.Wait for an area code split in your area.Ask your cellular provider if you can get a new number in a different area code.Get a VoIP (Internet phone) line (Vonage, MagicJack, etc.).
No, magicJack charges for calls to both the Dominican Republic (area codes 809, 829, and 849) and the Cayman Islands (area code 345).
Area code 213 serves the central part of downtown Los Angeles, California. ZIP Code boundaries do not correspond to area code boundaries. To get a telephone number with a 213 number, you can get landline service at an address in central downtown Los Angeles, or you can request a 213 number from a mobile phone company or VoIP company (magicJack, etc.).
Area code 509 is Spokane, Washington, so I'm guessing you mean telephone country code +509, which is Haiti. To place a call on Magic Jack to a location outside of North America, dial 011 (the international access prefix from North America) and then the country code, city code (if any), and subscriber number.
Toll free codes in US and Canada are 800, 855, 866, 877, and 888. Future toll-free codes include 844, 833, 822, and the remaining 88X codes. In UK they use 0800 code for toll free calls. Area code 262 is a regular area code for Racine and Waukesha, Wisconsin, surrounding but not including Milwaukee.
Area codes in the United States are assigned by the North American Numbering Plan Administrator (NANPA), in consultation with the state public utility commission (or equivalent state agency).,, and are all websites where you can obtain area code maps. Popular wesbites such as Wikipedia also have area code maps available to view.
An area code map of the US is available from Navigate to Area Code Map and at the bottom of the page there are large, printable versions of both the US and Canada maps.
Who are the DSL Internet providers in the 67133 zip code area ?
Area code 250 serves most of the Canadian province of British Columbia, excluding the Vancouver area.