Bing was pretty much Google, so there basically the same thing anyways.
Just different ways of showing it.
I think google is just making improvments.
bing means because its not Google
Bing Google bing Google wiki dnt help bing mi Google
google because bing has not got alot ANSWER GOOGLE
Yes, you can bing google and about 1 million answers come up.
go to Google and ask the same question or bing anywere but here because wwe don't know the answer sorry! :) :( :) :(
i think the other term for google is bing
Yes Bing Way Better Than Google.
Bing is the exact same thing as google. Bing is an acranim for: B: Because I: it's N: not G: google
I think Google is better than Bing because it has a cleaner interface.
Google, Yahoo, bing, ask