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No. Infinity is not a number.

Googol is pretty tiny as large numbers go; I can write it out in full here:


Googolplex, defined as "ten to the power of a googol", is much larger and there isn't enough space in the entire universe to write it down in full, but it can be written down as a power tower easily; 10^(10^100). This makes it still "tiny" as far as truly large numbers go. For example, there's not enough room in the universe to express the even the first iteration (of 64) in Graham's number as a power tower; you have to invent a new system of notation to even describe it.

And even Graham's Number is infinitely small compared to infinity.

Infinity itself (of the type we're talking about here, formally called aleph-null), though it's, well, infinite, is infinitely small compared to the power of the continuum.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

Infinity is a concept, not a specific number. It represents an amount larger than any particular quantity and is used mostly in theoretical mathematics.

Google is the name of the best-known Web search engine, and is definitely not a number. However the name is thought to have been derived from googol, originally a nonsense word that became the name for the quantity 10^100 (the number 1 followed by 100 zeros).

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βˆ™ 13y ago

No, google is not a number

The correct term is Googolplex which like infinity is a pure mathematical concept and not a real number like a million or a billion.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Infinity is gigger

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Q: Is Google more than infinity
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What is more than infinity?

Nothing is more than infinity, nothing is longer than infinity. It is infinite, definitely. Nothing is more than infinity. Infinity will just go on forever!

Is google bigger than infinity?

Infinity is a concept rather than a specific numerical value, representing a limitless, unbounded quantity. Google, on the other hand, is a finite entity with a specific size and scope. Therefore, in a mathematical sense, infinity is larger than Google as it encompasses all possible values, including the size of Google.

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They are pretty much the same amount.

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yes infinity is more than infinity and beyond because infinity and beyond stops at beyond and infinity keeps going

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Log zero is not defined, and if it were defined, it would be more likely to be minus infinity than infinity.

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one less than infinity cn be equibelant to infinity but less than infinity at the same time because it is one"LESS" than infinity its still way more than quadrillion(thousand trillions) and a septillion and a sextillion (im 9)

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Its google and it is more than infinity because infinity is not a Number, So google is the biggest number, people don’t really know what comes after it.

What word means more than infinity?


Is there a word meaning more than infinity?

Googleplex Googleplex

Is there any number that is more than infinity?

its gazillion gatrillion gajillion frezintillion and the maniest of all frejintilion cause googol and googleplex was lower than infinity

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Do counting numbers only go up to 9?

No. They go up to one less than infinity. They go up to google