For a feature phone: yes, the average is actually between 25 MB and 80 MB. For a smartphone: no. Almost every smartphone has 1 or more GB, and the average for a smartphone is even 8 GB.
around 50 - 60 songs of good (V0~320) quality mp3s
60000 MB is 60 GB
This is a famous phone number 232.12.67 Guess who!!
61440.0 mb 1024mb=1gb
Yes you can use total video converter software. I have converted a 700 mb avi movie into 60 mb 3gp format for mobile. You can also convert it to mp4 format.
A megabyte is 1,000,000 bytes, or 1,000 kilobytes.
500000 mb
What is prodigy number
it meansmega bites
princetons phone number is718-998-4962
60,000,000 or 62,914,560, depending on the definition of a MB that is being used.
i think it would hold a good amount of songs x it really depends how large the song is x tisha x