This is a line from a purchase or lease agreement fora piece of property. It implies that whatever option is being specified will remain with the property for subsequent purchasers and cannot be stricken from the agreement.
The term statistically valid means a study is able to draw conclusions that are in agreement with statistical and scientific laws. This relies on mathematical and statistical laws.
Yes. Only child support and alimony are not dischargeable. That does not mean you cannot hold your ex in contempt for doing so, however. State laws differ, so consult a knowledgeable lawyer.
That you are not expressing yourself as you should. As a man, you should be following your conscience and not the law.
Yes, it is now community property. Unless they put together a pre-nuptial agreement.
it means that you will take the rental property the way it is, this is NEVER a good idea, because should you need some repairs whether major or minor, you will not have a leg to stand on, also of your area has no property standards or laws pertaining to this, you could wind up living in a dump for as long as the lease says eg: a one or two year lease, so no do not sign off on this agreement.
agreement agreement
A tenant is someone living on a property. They are usually a party to a lease or rental agreement.
documentary proof of where you live, such as mail addressed to you, drivers license, rental agreement, property tax receipt, etc. Your home is your domicile.
Let STC means let subject to contract. It means that someone has made a verbal property agreement but has not yet signed anything.
Do you mean "contrary"?
Rent-to-Own is a form of rental agreement which can mature into a purchase agreement. The tenant agrees to rent a property at a rate per month for a specific term. At the end of the term, the tenant will be given the right, but not obligation, to purchase the property at an agreed upon price. The amount of rental paid during the lease term will then be applied toward the purchase price of the property.