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the crows nest is in rockhoppers ship hpoe it helped

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Q: In Club Penguin where is the Crow's Nest?
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Where is the crows nest on club peinguin?

the crows nest is on rockhoppers ship in the middle

How do you go to the crows nest on Club Penguin?

wait until rockhopper comes, get on his ship, then click on the pole the upwards facing arrow on it.

Where is the birds nest in club penguin 2011?

It is in the tree top.

What is the area of Shire of Crows Nest?

The area of Shire of Crows Nest is 1,629.9 square kilometers.

When was Crows Nest National Park created?

Crows Nest National Park was created in 1992.

What is the area of Crows Nest National Park?

The area of Crows Nest National Park is 10.2 square kilometers.

Who was in the crows nest as the titanic sturck the iceburg?

Frederick Fleet and Reginald Lee were in the crows-nest at the moment of impact.

In a writing if you are talking about the crows nest on a boat do you capitalize crows nest?

No, except at the beginning of a sentence because it is not a proper noun.

What is a nest of crows?

crows build nests in places where they feel safe from possible predators, e.g up in a high tree or in a hedge. :) The term 'crow's nest' is also used when referring to the fixed lookout point at the top of the mast of a sailing vessel.

Who was up in the crows nest?

A man.

Do crows nest or roost?


Why was the waring from the crows nest too late for titanic?

Because an officer on the ship answered the call from the crows nest too late