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No;of course.He's just "talking" to you.

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Q: If you text message your ex and he texts back is he still interested?
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When a Guy texts back quickly to you?

If a guy texts back quickly, it could mean he is interested in the conversation and values your communication. He might also be available and eager to continue the conversation.

What if a girl texts you back?

That means that usually she is interested in you, or that she wants or she sees you as a friend. It depends on how your relationship was with her before.

How do you know when a Aquarius man likes you and what are some signs they show if they are interested in you even after they don't respond to your texts or calls should you fall back?

Judge the man and not the birth sign because when a man (no matter his birth sign) does not text you back or call you in at least two weeks it is generally a clear message he is either playing the field or is simply not interested in you.

How do you tell whether the guy is interested or not on chat?

You can tell by if they don't send a message back in the next 20 seconds hes probably thinking what to say buy if he doesn't send a message back in the next 40 secs he not interested.

If you take the battery out of your phone can you still receive texts?

You may still receive text messages even when you take out the battery of your phone. But of course, you can only read the text message when you put the battery back on and turn the phone back on.

Should you call a person back to tell him you're not interested?

You could, but not calling him back might give him the same message.

You meet this boy at a school dance and you add him on Facebook but he never relies back to your message what does that mean?

He is not interested.

What do you do if a guy is flirting with you through text message?

if you like the guy, flirt back , if you don't you can either tell him that or just ignore the texts until they stop

Is it rude to text your girlfriend and another person at the same time?

i would have to say problably not because say your girlfriend texts and you send a message and then your friend texts so you text them back but right after your girlfriend texts again. to me i dont see any problem but it might be different for everyone.

Why won't she answer my calls and texts?

Sorry. But you probably need to quit calling and give her space. Try doing something for yourself and not think about her for a while. If she is interested she will call you back

Could you always get back together with your Ex?

Only if your ex is still interested in you, if he/she is, try your best in getting them back.

How do you know if she is she is still interested?

If she still flirts with you, go and talk to her friends and see if she talks about you or if she told them she wants to get back together with you.