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No, he may not know what exactly to say on the phone. Or he may not be a great conversation starter. So he results in sending a simple text back. Don't stress, he may be interested, but just shy. if you are brave enough send him a flirty text! Or be more expressive towards him! ;D And if he doesnt like you, i bet you there is a better guy out there who is TOTALLY INTO YOU! =D

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Q: If you text a guy to say have a nice day and he texts me back you too but doesn't call does that mean he is not interested?
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How do you tell hes not interested?

when he doesnt call u back or gives u odd glares...good luck!

Why won't she answer my calls and texts?

Sorry. But you probably need to quit calling and give her space. Try doing something for yourself and not think about her for a while. If she is interested she will call you back

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After first date, if he doesn't reply to your calls and messages, then stop calling again. Maybe he is not interested. If he was busy he will call back, but if he doesn't you have to move on.

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i think the only thing u can do now is call him dont text because he can ignore texts easier then calls if he doesnt answer his mobile then call him house phone i no it might seem a bit over the top but you have to talk to him and apologise and you no explain wot happened and why you didnt call him bac and hopefully he'll except it and start responding to your texts

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The "Unresponder" is someone who doesn't respond to texts.

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Judge the man and not the birth sign because when a man (no matter his birth sign) does not text you back or call you in at least two weeks it is generally a clear message he is either playing the field or is simply not interested in you.

What if you like a guy and you have his number?

Call him or txt him. Do not be scared to :) -from the asker- But what if i already txted him and he doesnt txt back? Then call and if he does not talk to you then he is not interested. TIP- make sure that his phone was not dead or he was out some where when you were txting him.Give him time. :) let me know if you need more help!

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If he doesn't call back, then the sad truth is that he is just not that into you. A guy who is interested is a guy who calls back.

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No, call the customer service number on the back.

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That would indicate that they are not interested in speaking with you. Its best to let things be.

How can you if a guy is just playing around?

You can tell if the guy is just playing around if he is inconsistent with you, doesnt call you or text you. If he is really interested , he will make it a point to be with you.

What does it mean if your boyfriend doesnt text you back?

He could either be mad at you or he lost his phone call him!