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no. me and my friend each have our own twitter accounts, and i sent my friend a direct message. she received the direct message. then i deleted it out of my account, and it disappeared from her direct message list. so if you delete a sent direct message, it will indeed delete it out of the receivers direct message list.

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Q: If you delete a sent direct message from your twitter will the person you sent it to still get it?
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How do you direct message on twitter?

To send a direct message on twitter, you click on the person's username which you want to message which will take you to their profile. On the right side bar, there is a category called actions. Under that, the first action is message. Click on that then type your message and send it. The person must be following you for you to be able to send them a direct message.

Can a person send you a direct message in twitter if you are following him but he is not?

no, you have to both be following each other :) hope that helped

What is DM in Twitter?

A "dm" is a "Direct Message". This is a private message that will only be seen by the person you send it to and won't appear on either yours or their timeline. To send a dm, the person you want to message must be following you. Then go to their profile and click the 'message' button on the right hand side bar underneath their number of followers etc.

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Yes there is and that person is me! My user name is IloveJoeBather so if you talk to me or send a direct message I'll try to answer!

Can you delete some of the messages you've received on Twitter but save others?

Yes. Open your Direct Messages inbox. To the left of each person's avatar, there's a tiny, grey trashcan. Clicking that trashcan will delete that individual message. Yes. It is very possible. All you have to do is roll your mouse over the tweet, and you will see a tiny gray trash can. If you click on it, it will automatically delete that tweet.

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You can only send a message and that too the person who follow you. You can however send public messages using the "@" sign or if they are following you use the "D" symbol to send a private direct message.

Do you type the of the person you want to send a message to on twitter?

A person that you know

How do you you reply to a Twitter message via text message?

Begin your tweet with the person's username (@username)

How can a person delete your message board without offending someone?

Just delete the message, as long as it's yours. You cannot delete an entire message board, as the message board is permanent and cannot be removed. Just delete your message and move on, because it's the only way you can do it without trying to offend someone.

How do you receive tweets on your phone?

Use the browser to connect to and update your status via that interface. Or just use your browser to connect to the twitter website ( and use it like you use it on your computer ___________ Also, if you have a Twitter account, and connect a mobile phone number to the account in the settings, you can then tweet from your phone using SMS text messages, sent to 40404 (in the US). For smartphones, there are also plenty of applications that can be downloaded. Official apps from Twitter include "Twitter for iPhone" and "Twitter for BlackBerry," but there are plenty of third-party applications that connect to Twitter as well, for all mobile devices.

What do you do if you try and send a personal message to someone on twitter and it says your message can not be sent?

The person you're trying to send a message to has to be following you.

A twitter will not let it pick a person to send a direct message the drop-bar turns blue please help?

Make sure they are following you as you can only send direct messages to those that are following you. You can also just type in their username in the send to section.