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From personal experience, not usually. If he uses "lol" he either just thought what was said is funny or he is using it to be friendly and not awkward.

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Q: If a guy uses lol when texting you is he flirting with you?
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How do you know Guy flirting?

He is probably just kidding lol :)

What say to girls when your flirting with them?

I like it when a guy complemets me. lol EX: your eyes are realy pritty!

A guy seems to be flirting a lot before and still does now but not as much he seems to be flirting with my friend now and im confused whether he still is interested or not. What are the signs?

He's just horny :P lol

How do you make a happy face in texting?

like this :( lol

What would you do if a 19 year old guy was flirting with you and you were 14?

well if you like him go for it lol. well if you dont like him make him a mad face but if you like him give him a smile

Can you get guys to stop flirting with you?

no lol that's human life

What does LOL mean in texting lingo?

LOL is an abbreviation of "Laughing out loud"

What does it mean when a guy playfully kicks you?

Wow! I wonder how old he his this is elementary :) He is flirting with you maybe you make him nervous and the only thing he can think to do is kick you sorry hope it didn't hurt lol.

Why say lol?

"LOL" means laugh out loud so they might say "LOL that was funny". LOL also means lots of love. People say LOL when they are texting or IM-ing. They say that because it's faster instead of actually typing "I'm laughing out loud" and it's easier on the thumbs if texting. RandomGirl123

How does a girl flirt with you?

You just have to be suitable for them, look at how the girl wear, then you can change how you look by flirting with the girl. hey im bella,im a girl lol n i flirt by flutterning my eyelashes or saying really cute stuff in front of the guy flick my hair about n laugh at everything in a little cute way lol also i put my lipgloss on right in front of a guy so they can see the juicyness in my lips lol :)

What does frhl mean in texting?

Frhl means friends repeat hi lol

How do you get a guy to like you after they know you like them?

if he knows that u like him just let him know that you are down with whatever he wants to do, but be straight up and don't sound to slutty but don't sound like a prune. haha i agree, but i think u meant to say prude not prune lol I'm in the same sort of situation lol. I've been texting this really nice guy who goes to my best friends school. He's really nice and cute. I like him and I told him, but I haven't met him yet but he said he wants to hang out. He said he would go out with me if we've met.. So just keep flirting with him and stuff. Ask questions.