Start your tweet with 'RT' and then copy the message as well as the persons username and paste it into your tweet or simply click Retweet under that Tweet Your followers will then see the message you have retweeted as well as the persons username in case they want to follow them. :)This is like forwarding messages or emails.
To do a retweet on Twitter by someone famous you can either use Twitter's in-built retweet function or type 'RT@username' where username is the famous person's username on Twitter and press 'tweet'.
Retweet is when someone tweet something and you retweet it. by clicking the refresh looking button.
#LRT Means "Last Retweet" on twitter.
You achieve this when a lot of people retweet your tweet.
Yes, you can actually know if someone retweet or mention you in twitter. It is a default feature in twitter and every tweeple (twitter people) can know who followed and mentioned them.
Retweet/RetweetingRT stands for "ReTweet." To retweet someone's tweet/message is to share their tweet with your own Twitter followers. When you come across an interesting tweet and you want to help it spread - you retweet it.There's usually a ReTweet button next to each Tweet, so you can usually just click that.The syntax of a ReTweet is the abbreviation "RT" or the word "Retweet" followed by the username of the person who tweeted it (e.g @User) and then the content of the actual tweet.You may also modify the original tweet to make it more interesting for your followers, or because the addition of RT + username makes it longer than the permitted 140 characters. In order to make everything fit, you may need to omit words or use shorter synonyms or abbreviations.
You cannot see who is viewing your stuff unless they retweet or like any of your tweets.
People won't be able to use the Retweet function on your tweets if your tweets are protected. This doesn't stop them copying and pasting your tweet and retweeting the old way though.
Retweeting basically means when you come across an interesting tweet and want to share it with your followers you retweet it.
You can't. But you can block people or protect your tweets, but if you protect your tweets people can not retweet them.