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Social media is like the top player in the game of digital marketing. It is a place which people like to visit when they want a little break from work or want to pass their leisure time or when they’re feeling low or extremely bored. It is a medium through which people all over the connect and stay in touch with each other across countries 24*7. It is a source of entertainment, infotainment as well as a news source and advertising.

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Sudha Gupta

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Q: How would you define social networking or social media?
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Is social media the same as social networking?

In communication, media (singular medium) are the storage and transmission channels or tools used to store and deliver information or data. It is often referred to as synonymous with mass media or news media, but may refer to a single medium used to communicate any data for any purpose. In separately defining "social Network" as the interaction between a group of people who share a common interest.. then it is appropriate to define social networking as a form of media. In this case the storage and transmission of channels would refer to the people who hold and share information with others that they identify with.

What are the 3 forms of media?

I would take this question as three popular forms of social media. They would be Social Networking - Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc Social Bookmarking - Digg, Stumbleupon etc Blogging - Wordpress, Blogger, tumblr etc

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The best Motorola phone for pictures and social networking would be the Zin5. It is very popular.

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Another way to define media by presence of some form of advertising or sponsorship for commercial purposes.

How do you create a social networking site?

In order to create a social networking site, you would need a website. You would also need to find an area of common interest which you will use as the main objective of the social site.

How do you create social networking site?

In order to create a social networking site, you would need a website. You would also need to find an area of common interest which you will use as the main objective of the social site.

What are good social networking questions?

One good social networking question is where you live at. One other good question would ask what schools you have gone to.

What is the most popular social networking software?

There are a variety of options available for social networking software. The most popular of course would be the software used by the top social networking sites today. Some software is open source which means it is editable for programmers.

What is the best social networking website?

if you are a adult it would be facebook but if you are a child it would be aim

How do you define a nanny?

i would define them as a person who takes care of kids and has no social life.

What would you call Twitter?

Twitter is a social medium networking and a microblogging site where users post and interact with each other through messages called "tweets". People who have an account can post, like, retweet other's tweets. People who do not have an account can only scroll through them. Now it is a popular advertising and marketing platform for brands and businesses.

Would you hire a Social Networking Consultant for your small business?

definitly ya_no