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Sewer Gas (Mostly Methane) is harmful if breathed for an extended period of time, in Infants the risk would be significantly higher. As they would require less time to become poisoned.

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Q: How toxic is sewer gas to infants?
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Related questions

Is there a test for sewer gas?

Yes, there are specific tests that can be conducted to detect sewer gas, such as using a sewer gas detector or utilizing smoke testing to identify leaks in the sewer system. Sewer gas is a mixture of gases like methane, hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia, which emit a distinctive odor that can help in its identification. If you suspect sewer gas in your home, it's important to contact a professional to perform the necessary tests and address any issues promptly.

Hospital what to do after a sewer back up?

Toxic Clean up is called in HAZMAT

How sewer gas smell?


What gases are in a sewer?

methane gas

Can sewer gas blow up?

Yes, sewer gas is flammable and can explode if it comes into contact with an ignition source like an open flame or spark. It is important to address any issues with sewer gas leaks promptly to prevent the risk of an explosion.

Any health effect to sewer gas smells?

There is no permanent health effect of sewer gas odors but it can make one nauseated to smell the odor.

What is the toxic component of a toxic gas?

depends on the toxic gas.Chlorine gas is lethal because of chlorine while V.X nerve gas was designed to bind to Nero transmitters in your body

How do you find sewer gas leaks in a building?

follow the leak!!!!!!!!!

Is sewer gas harmful?

Very and highly explosive and carcinogenic

What is boi gas?

toxic gas BOI

What is difference between flammable gas and toxic gas?

Flammable gas refers to gases that can ignite and burn when exposed to a flame or spark. Toxic gas, on the other hand, refers to gases that can be harmful or even lethal if inhaled or absorbed into the body. Essentially, flammable gases pose a fire hazard, while toxic gases pose a health hazard.

Why is the bad smell from vent?

Carcinogenic sewer fumes such as methane,nitrous Oxide and other highly toxic gases