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I wouldn't submit my site at all. I would focus on quality inbound links coming back to my site as well as focusing on the anchor text (your industry keyword) to which the link is embedded in. The search engines will find your site just fine if you have inbound links coming to your site. If you submit anywhere, it should be directories.

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Q: How often should you submit a site to search engines?
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What is a black hat SEO?

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What is black hat SEO Can you use that for website?

In search engine optimization (SEO) terminology, Black Hat SEO refers to the use of aggressive SEO strategies, techniques and tactics that focus only on search engines and not a human audience, and usually does not obey search engines rules. These are tactics which are not considered to be good or fair by search engine operators, search engine optimizers, or web site visitors.Most of the website owners fall in to back hat seo firms without knowing they are falling into trap. Usually you can see good results on black hat SEO methods but after sometime (probably after payment :) ) your site will be penalized by search engines and ultimately removed from their database. Then it is really hard to get your site placed in search engines. So you should be very careful in choosing the right seo firm.Black hat SEO techniques are often useful for a relatively short time, as search engines will adjust their ranking algorithms to reduce the effectiveness of these techniques. Some black hat techniques will earn active penalties on some search engines, with the site losing positions or disappearing altogether.Some of the top black hat techniques include:Showing different pages to search engines and visitors using javascript or htaccess redirectsHiding content on the page by positioning it off the page, or colouring it the same as the backgroundIncluding a large number of keywords in incredibly small textUsing automated tools to build thousands of incoming links