The country code and area code of Much, Germany is 49, (0)2245.
Without too much traffic, it takes me 1 hour and 30 minutes from downtown Milwaukee to O'hare International Airport.
MapQuest estimates the driving time as 13 hours and 47 minutes.
The distance between Milwaukee, WI, USA and La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA is 210 Miles and will take about 3 Hours 29 Minutes to drive.
2.5 to 10 cents per minute
Pretty much any mobile phone service provider in the Toronto area will give you a number in area code 647, or the even newer overlay code, 437.
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Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA - 96.9 square miles.
It is quite common in the U.S. for a person to have a cell phone with an area code from somewhere other than where they currently live. To have a landline with a different area code is much more difficult and expensive.
UK area code 020 is London, but there are no valid numbers beginning with 020 4, much less 020 43. Also, the area code for London is just 020, not 020x or 020xx. There are no other UK telephone area codes beginning with 020.
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Area code 876 is Jamaica in the Caribbean. The cost depends on your long-distance carrier and calling plan, but it is an international call even though you dial it "one-plus."