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This really depends on which marketing tactic you choose. You can go the way of grassroots campaigns which are often done at no cost, but can be very time consuming. Every company should have some grassroots tactics in their marketing mix.

You begin to incur costs when you move into the arena of paid search, banner advertising, media buying and text link advertisements. However, even these tactics differ greatly in their costs.

  • Paid Search can run you anywhere from a few cents to hundreds of thousands of dollars per month. Usually you are able to set a monthly budget that allows you to spend only what you can afford, but note that when the monthly budget runs out, your advertisements will be shut off and will no longer show online.
  • Banner advertisements run in the same way that Paid Search does; sometimes you may be able to find companies that offer banner swaps which allow you to put your banner on another company's website in exchange for a banner on your website.
  • Media Buying can be very expensive and is often something only afforded by larger companies. You pay to have your company advertised on high traffic websites such as CNN, ESPN, WebMD, etc.
  • Text Links used to be very expensive to run, but are becoming more economical. You can often purchase text links to run on websites for any where from a few dollars a month to several hundred dollars a month.
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Q: How much does it cost to put up and internet advertisement?
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