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Q: How much does it cost for a phone call from the police station?
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How much does a call from the police station cost?

normally its free..and you get 3 total so make them first,significant other second and of course your mommy!!!

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How much does a phone call cost on a cell phone bill?

It depends on a lot of things. Your company, plan, and how long the call is.

What is SMDR?

SMDR is an abbreviation for station message-detail recording. Regardless of their size, most telephone systems output Call Detail Records (CDR). Generally, these are created at the end of a call. But on some phone systems, the data is available during the call. This data is output from the phone system by a serial link known as the Station Message Detail Recording port (SMDR). Some of the details included in call records are: Time, Date, Call Duration, Number dialed, Caller ID information, Extension, Line/trunk location, Cost, Call completion status.

How much does it cost to use a cell phone when calling Mexico?

The cost of using a cell phone to call Mexico averages about $0.10 per minute to call a land line. The cost to call a cell number is $0.35 per minute according to Charter Wireless.

Can virgin mobile phone receive collect calls from an inmate?

Yes u can. I received one from a friend who was being held at local police station here in L.A.CA area. Not sure of the cost.......yet ....but, i will post when i receive the bill that they will send me

How much does a business phone call cost?

a buisness call costs about 1.00 per min

Does it cost to send a message on Skype?

No, it does not cost to send a message. If you want to call a cell phone or home phone you have to pay. On the page it says video call or just call you don't have to pay for those. At the beginning you get one free call to a cell or home phone, but that's it. yes this person is absolutely correct.

Where does the phrase drop the dime come from?

The term "to drop a dime"comes from American street slang. When a drug dealer in the1960s would find it advantageous, they would call the police from a pay phone and snitch on a rival. The cost of a local phone call in the day was 10 cents, thus the term to drop a dime was coined.