the maximum size of a file you can send by e-mail are depending of your isp (internet service provider) or the e-mail site you use like hotmail
The data which can be sent as an attachment to Gmail is 25 MB. The rest of the data can be sent via Drive. It can be using Drive or attachment too.
No..it is not
Any type of files can be sent through Gmail. All the files can be sent as an attachment. These attachment can be downloaded by the receiver.
How many megabytes does gmail mail allow for attachmentsRead more: How_many_megabytes_does_gmail_mail_allow_for_attachments
Complete folders cannot be sent directly through Gmail. Only files can be sent as attachments. You can compress it into a zip file and then can send it.
Then can come through Gmail to Hotmail. Attachments are a part of mail that come as a package. The attachments could be sent cross servers.
Networking means transferring data from the server to the client. The client data can be sent to the server. Other servers can also receive data via networking.
Sent items are automatically saved in Gmail. They are in the sent Items tab on the left. You can retrieve any mail from there.
dude, its a scam
I personally avoid anything sent to me by gmail. I also avoid anything sent to me from Europe, Asia and Africa. Sorry.
Data packets that are in a group and sent together are called a frame. Data packets do not have to travel through unnecessary nodes so they can be sent quickly.
You can retrieve mails easily on Gmail. The sent and received both types of mails are saved. The sent are saved in Sent Mails option.