Teens talk a lot, my brother and i send over 1,000 texts a month. I wouldn't worry too much about how many to send. It's more convenient than talking over the actual phone. If your worried about them keeping things from you or getting into some bad things, don't. Texting is harmless.
On a test w/ my 14-year old daughter, she sent & received 8,295 per month on average, w/ the highest # being 9,600 and the lowest 6,990 text messages. That also means an average of 4.6 hours per day texting.
The average American teen consumes about 1,800 calories a day.
# On average, how many teen pregnancies are there per year # How many teen pregnancies result in a birth of the baby? # How many teen pregnancies result in an abortion? # How many teens give their babies up for adoption? # How many teen pregnancies are a result of unprotected intercourse vs. protected? # How many teen pregnancies are a result of intoxicated intercourse? # How many teen pregnancies result in a family that stay together (including the father of the baby?)
The best way to deal with an out of control teen boy is to send to military school
an average teen in middle school will increase their eating portions for their growth spurt. with this in mind, an average teen may eat 2000-3000 calories a day. depending on their exercise time, they will probably burn about three fourths of their calories consumed.
Why Do You Care? J.K. L.O.L.
send them Fan mail in some teen magizines it says where you can send fanmail to them
70 to 90 is average. Lower is better.
The mean amount is 8 teaspoons
cadet kelly?
Slap me thrice and send me to me mamma!