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Q: How many names are there in the US?
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How many names are in the US?

there are 5

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2.895 x 1024

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How many US state names have one syllable?

Just one.

How many US state names start with H?

One; Hawaii.

How many Raquel's live in the US?

This cannot be answered, as there is no statistic for names in the US. Plus, there are many Raquel's being born as this is read.

How many us states end with n?

Four US states have names ending with N.

How many lakes share a border with Canada and the US and what are their names?

The names are fu** you guys because you don't know this question

How many naval us fleets are there?

What country? For the US, a Fleet is an Area Of Responsibility, not a group of ships, which also has many names. Be more specific.

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How many us states names begin with you?

none because we aren't dumb