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how many messages per day can send in 160by2

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Q: How many messages per day you can send in 160by2?
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How many text messages send in a day?

There is no definitive numerical answer but it is certainly many, many millions.

Does Miley Cyrus send you email's back if you send her?

Miley Cyrus receives many messages a day. It would be impossible for her to reply to every message she receives.

160by2 how sms for one day?

160 by 2 translates to about three hundred and twenty SMS.

How many texts does a person send a day?

That would depend on the person. Not everyone has the capability to send text messages, some people choose not to. Some people will send between none and five a day while others may send hundreds. The Pew research center claims that the average is 42.

What is Friendblasterpro license code?

Its the code you must purchase so that you can send as many friend requests and messages as you want per day instead of being limited to 50 per day

Which companies offer a send free text message service?

There are a few companies that offer a free texting service. Mogest, text4free are just a few. They all usually have some sort of limit per hour or day that will put a cap on how many messages you can send in a day.

Where can you send Fathers day messages online with good funny jokes?

You can find funny father's day cards at many places online. You can go to or

How to fix You can't send messages for 3 Days on Instagram?

If you are unable to send messages on Instagram and see a message saying "You can't send messages for 3 days," it means that your account has been temporarily blocked from sending messages due to a violation of the platform's community guidelines or terms of use. To fix this issue, you will need to wait for the 3-day temporary ban to expire. During this time, you can review the community guidelines and terms of use to ensure that you understand and will not violate them again in the future. Once the ban is lifted, you should be able to send messages again.

How many text messages are sent in the US?

there are about 12356523025635485636 text messages sent every day

In the world of electronics what is a spam?

It is the use of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited messages (known as spam) It is junk mail, some 54 million messages are sent every day