Goodwill does not publicly disclose the number of donations they receive each day. The amount of donations they receive can vary significantly based on factors such as location, time of year, and community involvement.
Slaves usually receive a minimal clothing allowance each year, which may consist of basic garments such as shirts, pants, and shoes. The allowance is often insufficient for meeting their clothing needs, forcing many slaves to rely on donations or make do with limited attire.
"why would anyone donate to wikipedia they dont need money so to answer your question hopefully not much" What an ignorant answer. The truth is that wikipedia receives it's funding through donations. They have a staff of a meager 23 and run the world's 4th most visited website for a mere $6 million per year. The fact is, they do need money. They will never display advertisement as this would compromise the integrity of the whole idea of wikipedia. To answer the original question, they pulled in just over $6m for 2009.
Wikipedia was created in the year 2001
cheap dog food is about $100-$250 per year per dog. However most shelters receive donations so they don't actually have to pay that much.
5.608 trillion that is alot! As found on Wikipedia ;)
There aren't any statistic on how many plush toys that Toys for Tots brings in each year. But it's estimated that at least 1 out of 5 donations for toys contains a plush toy.
Texas averages 135 tornadoes per year.
An estimated 50,000 men receive hair transplants each year
I am not sure......
There are 52 weeks in a year. So you will receive 26 paychecks in a year.