seven years
37 minutes
Personally I like the IPhone 3g. They are a little big but efficient. If you are looking for a long battery length, the IPhone doesn't last very long on batteries.
If it does not have ton of apps and or songs, It should last about a day or half a day . If it does have apps and songs it would last about 3 or 4 hours .
Depends how you use it. Normal use required daily charge.
as long as its specific model's batteries last between charge's depending on the use of flash. read your phone manual
The iPhone 3GS can have around 5-6 hours of constant use (screen lit up). There is an app i recommend which tell you an approximation on your battery life, how long you can do certain tasks and such. Its called "Battery LED."
Forever! If you buy or download and app from the App Store, it will remain on your phone until you delete it. It could also get removed if you restore your iPhone. But other than that, it will last forever.
In my opion the iphone 5 will not come out for a long if they even make. So i would just buy the i phone4
Here are some questions you might ask: 1) How long have you had your iphone? 2) How long did it take you to figure out the primary functions of your iphone? 3) Do you plan to get a new phone at the end of your contract? If so, will it be another iphone? 4) Do you find the iphone easy to use? 5) What made you decide to purchase your iphone? 6) What is your favorite feature on your iphone? 7) What is your least favorite feature on your iphone? 8) if you could change anything about the iphone what would it be?
It really depends on how log you've had the IPhone. And if your brightness is turned down. It matters most how old your IPhone is, how your battery life is, and all of the tips you can use to make your battery life longer. I hope this information helped you!
Depends on what you are doing on your iphone