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Depends on the model and type. My analog TV (27") just died at 15 years old. Nice thing is that's it's repairable and I happen to be a retiring TV tech. For digital, that varies greatly. Sometimes only a few months before they start developing problems to a couple of years on the average.

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11y ago

Research as to how long a television flat screen lasts tends to show various opinions. In general one should last 4 to 10 years. Often if it is a quality brand it may last a little longer due to using quality components in the televisions.

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13y ago

It really depends how you take care of it. If you take care of it then on average it will last about 7 years.

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15y ago

A Toshiba TV will almost always last as long as any TV out there if you look after it (Ive seen some TV's last 20 year's).

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13y ago

They usually last a couple of years, a way you can tell its going bad is if the screen starts flickering in a select spot on the screen.

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The cheapest 32 inch television available now days is the Sony. It has been around for years and proven to last for time to come. It has been upgraded over the years to have many special features and it compatible with most other equipment and gaming consoles.

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