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It really depends on the species, but they can live anywhere from 20-60 years.

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Q: How long is the average life span of an owl?
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What is the average life span of a barn owl?

They will live around 2-3 years in the wild, and up to 10 years in captivity!

About how tall is the Spotted Owl?

The average size of the adult Spotted owl is 18 inches tall and it has a wing span of around 48 inches!

How big is an owl butterfly?

there wingspan is 14cm

How long is a great horned owl wing span?

The wingspan of a great horned owl is about 36-60 inches

How long is an owl?

The average length of a grown owl is about 6-7 inches.

How long is a barn owl's wing span?

a full sized barn owl's wingspan is 107 centimeters ( 42 inches ). a very small barn owl could be 1/2 of that size

What is the average lifespan for the short eared owl?

about 25 years (same as a long eared owl)

What type of owl has the biggest wing span?

Eagle owl (real name)

How long does an owl live?

It depends on the owl but the average is 15 to 30 years

How long is a barn owl in centimetres?

the average length of a barn owl is 40 cm i hope this answers you problem:)

The length of an average snowy owl?

20 to 26 inches long.

How big is a snowy owls wing span?

The snowy owls wing span is typically 125-150 cm (50-60 in)