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To register a new Gmail account takes basically no time at all, about 5 minutes tops. It does not ask for very much information and the process is quick and easy.

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It does not take long to verify and account. The account is verified as soon as the details are accepted. The details should be correct and valid to verify.

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The does not take time at all. The activation happens as soon as you enter the correct details. You do not have to wait for it.

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Assuming you mean your gmail account - in the left-hand blue panel there is a link titled 'My Email' - clicking on that will take you to your gmail sign in page.

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Type 'gmail sign up' into your browser. You should see 'Sign up for Gmail account - Google' as the top option, Click on that link - and fill in the required information on the form that appears.

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If you look on the carton then there will say an expiry date. That is how long it lasts.

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You can delete an account from the same place you created it. The settings has the delete option. Follow some steps and the account will be deleted.

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I've tried it many times to send it on gmail and nevere received an activation mail.

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Click on the 'My email' link in the Blue panel on the left - that will take you to the sign-in page for your gmail account.

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Yes, Gmail is a very trusted mailing service. It has very trusted security protocols which take care of security. They do not let the information from account to be leaked.

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