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Q: How long does it take for rice to completely take the water out of your phone?
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What do you do when you drop your phone in the water and how do you use the rice?

you put your phone in a bag of rice and leave it overnight.

Will rice help a phone battery?

If you get the phone wet, put it in a bag of rice. The rice will help draw the water away from the battery.

Does rice dissolve?

No, rice does not dissolve in water like salt or sugar. Rice grains are solid particles and will not break down completely when exposed to water.

What do you do if water is in your phone?

Put it in a bag of rice. so the rice well take out the water from your phone. Don't drop your phone is water and this wouldn't happen! Taking it apart and putting it in open air works too.

If you put your cell phone in rice will it damage your phone?

No because if you put it in rice it absorbs water. maybe don't risk it.

How else can you get water out of a phone other than rice?

Other than using rice, a person can get water out of their phone by opening the phone and allowing it to air dry. It is always important to get insurance on one's phone if possible.

How do you get water out of the speakers in a phone?

well first take the battery out then you lay your phone down on a towel with t he side with the speakers so it will drain (note) your speakers might be a little damaged still. Place in a container of rice to absorb moisture and never turn on until you are completely sure that it's dry.

How can you get the moisture out of your phone besides rice?

You can put it in a bowl of dry rice and the rice will absorb the water out of the phone. Leave it in the rice for a few days so that you can be sure it has all come out.

What if my phone falls in water?

putt it in a bowl of rice

What do you do if you dropped your phone in water?

SticK it in a bag of rice

Could rice absorb cold water?

yes and warm water. it is good if you drop your phone in water if you put your phone in boiled white rice for 2 hours your phonell work again:)

How long does it take your phone to dry in rice?

At least over night. It would be better to have it in there for at least 24 hours.