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Typically the largest attachment to an e-mail must be under 5 MB. In some subscriptions that can be 10 MB. Most times it depends on how big of mailbox you are allocated and how many messages you have saved.

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Q: How large a file can be sent on AOL?
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How do you Recall an email sent from AOL?

Once you have sent your email you can go to your sent e-mail box and check "unsend" on a specific e-mail. However, this can only work when emailing another AOL user. According to AOL there is no way to recall an e-mail sent anywhere else.

Can you retrieve an unread email sent in error?

I don't know if it works this way on every ISP, but on AOL you can, IF the person you sent it to is also on AOL. But if they aren't, you can't.

How large a file can be sent on Google mail?

25 MB. I tried to send a larger file and it stated that it was beyond the limit of 25MB.

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I have already sent your file

How large a file can be sent online?

The easiest way is to utilize a third party large file transfer website to send the large file to an email. I would recommend for the fact is it's free, and you don't get loads of spam in your regular inbox after you sign up for an account.

How can I read a saved sent email but keep it showing as unread on AOL?

Aol customer support tollfree usa and canada +1-844-223-3220

How do you retrieve emails sent to the wrong person on AOL?

by writing their email addresses incorrectly

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Please help file ID/Theft

Is AOL working today 16 November 2010?

No it is not.. There is some problem with the AOL server and it is not working today as well.. which is 13 october 2010.. Hopefully it would be restored ASAP!!!

How do you open a pfc file in your documents?

PFC files are "Personal Filing Cabinet" files from AOL. AOL will open them, and I think a couple of other programs will as well, but I'm not sure which ones.

What does satus currently unavailable to sent AOL mail?

Another cost cutting messure to save AOL money while increasing your inability to have full service at the full price. The check status will be fully discontinued as was "unsend" and other services. AOL will not, nor has it ever, provided information to it's users about changes it is making, have made, will make. It's a gamble everyday and a hit and miss part of dealing with AOL. It may work today or it may not, whose knows and they don't care is a simple answer.