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Cities have water pipes that bring the water to homes.

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Q: How is water supplied from its source to houses?
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So they had a close by source of water for cooking, drinking and washing .

What is the source for mechanical motion supplied to a generator called?

The source for mechanical motion supplied to a generator is called a prime mover. This prime mover can be in the form of a steam turbine, gas turbine, water turbine, wind turbine, or internal combustion engine, which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy through the generator.

Is drinking water supplied to all citizens suitable for human consumption?

If it supplied "for drinking" then the citizen of any country would have obvious legal redress if the water thus supplied proven to be unfit to drink. However in some countries the supplied tap water is NOT advertised as "fit for drinking" and needs to be boiled. In this instance the water supplied to citizens would not be suitable for human consumption.

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It is used for heating houses and sometimes the hot water that comes from the ground (geothermal water) is used as a freshwater pool and also for cooking.

How is water supplied to your homes?

It is supplied, under pressure, through a system of underground pipes.

What stream supplied the First Fleet with water in Sydney?

The Tank Stream supplied the people of the First Fleet with water during the early years of colonisation. This stream still runs underneath the streets of Sydney today. It remained the colony's chief source of fresh water for forty years, until it was supplemented by "Busby's Bore", also known as Lachlan Tunnel.

What is meant by prime mover of a machine?

A machine, such as a water wheel or steam engine, that receives and modifies energy as supplied by some natural source or fuel and transforms it into mechanical work.

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what natural occurrence kept the indus balley supplied with plenty of water